Increased Energy-Efficient
How would you like to save up to 33% on your energy bills without sacrificing comfort? A basic programmable thermostat comes with preset temperature settings for different times of the day. A lower temperature when the rooms are unoccupied will use less energy which will lead to savings on your energy bill.Advanced Technology
If you’re a technology buff or just like the thought of a large, easy-to-use touchscreen, some of the latest models offer greater control, easy programming, and access via your computer or smartphone.Precise Temperature Control
A digital thermostat can be programmed to lower the temperature when rooms are empty, which saves you money. Additionally, it can be set so it automatically raises the temperature when rooms are occupied.The heating and air conditioning experts at Maxwell Plumb will install your new thermostat, show you how to program it correctly. So call Maxwell Plumb Today and start saving right away!